International Project Transportation Application within SOFTTRANS® Application allows management of all operational work processes related with shipments transported with one vehicle or multiple vehicles.
This module, in integration with International Road Transportation Application, allows you to carry out on a digital platform such transactions as: definition of transported projects; entering quantity and types of goods to be transported into the system; opening truck position files; truck, shipment, and position tracking; and project gross, net profit and loss analyses.

- Definition of the project. Entry of quantities and description of goods
- Ability to issue invoice for entire project or a part of it
- Project gross/net profit/loss analysis
- Flexible reporting ability
- Transfer of goods to be transported to trucks and opening of truck position files
- Tracking transported and remaining cargo
- Ability to issue documentation for entire project, for transported part or single truck. (FBL and other bills of lading, notifications)
All SOFT Applications have been developed in an integrated structure and provide instant information flow and process efficiency.The aim of SOFT ERP is to manage all work operations in integration. Although applications can be used as solo, efficiency increases when multiple applications are used in integration.
SOFT Applications are constantly developed by the growing needs of The Business Transformation.
Transform your business with us!

International Road Transportation Application
- Company (customer, agency, etc.) definitions, vehicle definitions and tracking
- Full (FTL), Groupage (LTL) and hangered transportation
- Defining customer-specific and general sales tariffs (freight, bill of lading, delivery order and storage) for full, groupage and hangered shipments, and automatic calculation of freight
- Automatic generation and tracking of offers based on tariffs defined
- Booking transactions
- Creating position file for the truck, entry of shipment and package data
- Entry of comments to appear on documents
- Loading cargo onto trucks by selecting them by destination and goods type, automatic volume and weight control while loading
- Tracking transactions for export and import by road transportation operations and issuing related documentation
- Cargo insurance transactions

Fair Transportation Management Application
- Definition of fair; entering types and quantities of materials
- Definition and tracking of fair equipment
- Distributing materials to be transported to different types of transportation vehicles (TIR, airplane, container, railway wagon, etc.), and opening truck position files for related modules
- Capability to transfer material details to shipment records from Excel file
- Tracking departure/return voyages and shipments by linking return voyages easily with fair shipment
- Tracking transport of same shipment on different routes using different types of transport
- Transportation transactions of multiple types
- Tracking transported and remaining shipment
- Tracking types of transport vehicles used in transporting the pieces of shipment

Current Account Management Application
- Current account cards containing detailed data for customers and sellers
- Opening an account card with multiple foreign currencies for a company
- Tracking all transactions in main currency, reference foreign currency, EURO, transaction foreign currency and account foreign currency
- Current account tracking on section basis
- Tracking customers’ risks, credits and collaterals
- Entering current account transactions (Invoice, Check, Note, Remittance, Transfer, Credit/Debit Notes, Cash)
- Matching Debit and Credit transactions and finalizing them
- Current account statement in foreign currency
- Calculation of exchange rate difference and overdue payment surcharge
- Account balances, aging, collection and payment tables

Domestic Project Transportation Management
- Definition of the project. Entry of quantities and description of goods
- Transfer of goods to be transported to trucks and opening of truck position files
- Tracking transported and remaining cargo
- Ability to issue documentation for entire project, for transported part or for single truck. (FBL and other bills of lading, notifications)
- Ability to issue invoice for entire project or a part of it
- Project gross/net profit/loss analysis
- Flexible reporting ability

General Project Transportation Management Application
- Definition of the project. Entry of kinds and quantities of goods to be transported
- Distribution of goods to be transported into different types of transport vehicles (TIR, airplane, container, railway wagon) and opening position files for related modules
- Tracking transport of same cargo on different routes using different types of transport
- Transportation transactions of multiple types
- Tracking transported and remaining cargo
- Tracking types of transport vehicles used in transporting the pieces of cargo.
- Ability to issue documentation for entire project, for transported part or for single truck.
- Ability to issue invoice for entire project or a part of it
- Ability to get reports using all operational modules
- Gross/net profit/loss analysis on joint or module basis for transported cargo using all operational modules

General Accounting Management Application
- Ledger account definition up to 16 digits and 6 levels
- Handling all transactions in TRY, reference currency, EURO, transaction currency and account’s currency
- Cost center control, cost center – ledger links and reports
- Ability of creating collection, payment, booking, opening and closing notes, and voucher templates
- Voucher copy, move and search functions
- Creating provision notes
- Trial balance of different levels and for any number of months
- In-depth reporting from Trial Balance to voucher and to invoice
- Ability of listing account transactions in selected currency
- Ability to close selected periods to transactions without printing legal books
We provide flexible, end-to-end business management solutions for organizations of all sizes – from accounting software for small, medium and large businesses, to a full featured ERP platform serving multi-national companies.
SOFTEASY, SOFTREADY and SOFTLOYALTY solutions fulfill the needs for organizations of all sizes.
The management and coordination of the leased virtual servers shall be undertaken by SOFT and a standard backup service comprises 4-week reversible daily image backup for all servers.
The software consultancy and trainings given by experienced SOFT personnel provide the correct and efficient use of SOFT applications.
Our customers can access SOFT’s Help Desk by phone or e-mail and report a problem, issue a request, or get information. A call record will be opened in SOFT Internal Tracking System for all sorts of calls via telephone by the customer.