Container Transportation Application within SOFTTRANS® Application has been developed for work processes of domestic container transport, container transport within port, empty container transport, and transports requiring special equipment.
Transactions such as booking, shipment and position tracking, documentation, expected values and invoicing, period and position closing are expeditiously completed on a digital platform.
- Detailed container descriptions
- Tracking operations for owned, hired or shipper’s containers
- Rent, damage and repair tracking; survey tariffs and calculations
- Parametrical container transaction definitions
- Entry of container transactions in domestic and foreign ports
- Parameters related to container status definable on user basis
- Tracking container stocks on domestic and foreign ports
- Tariffs for storage, demurrage, warehousing, carriage, leasing, repairing, warehouse handling

- Automatic calculation from tariffs and invoicing
- Entry and tracking of demurrage and transport commitments
- Demurrage and warehouse liquidation transactions
- Controlling idle or lay day times of containers
- Cargo bookings entry and container booking transactions
- Issuing operation documentation
- Automatic transfer of entered data to Line Agency Application
- Option to operate in integration with Domestic Transportation Application
All SOFT Applications have been developed in an integrated structure and provide instant information flow and process efficiency.
The aim of SOFT ERP is to manage all work operations in integration. Although applications can be used as solo, efficiency increases when multiple applications are used in integration.
SOFT Applications are constantly developed by the growing needs of The Business Transformation.
Transform your business with us!

Railway Transportation Application
- Periodical tariff definitions and automatically creating voyage records from tariffs
- Company (customer, agency, etc.) definitions, railway wagon definitions and tracking
- Freight and other services tariffs on railway carrier company basis
- Freight and other services tariffs on railway carrier customer basis
- Automatically generating offers from defined tariffs
- Booking transactions
- Managing transports with more than one stop
- Creating trains from locomotives and railway wagon, and matching railway wagon and shipment
- Creating voyage position file; entry of container, shipment and package data for each railway wagon; entry of comment to print on documents
- Loading shipments onto positions by selecting them according to destination and goods type, etc.; automatic volume and weight control while loading

Domestic Project Transportation Management
- Definition of the project. Entry of quantities and description of goods
- Transfer of goods to be transported to trucks and opening of truck position files
- Tracking transported and remaining cargo
- Ability to issue documentation for entire project, for transported part or for single truck. (FBL and other bills of lading, notifications)
- Ability to issue invoice for entire project or a part of it
- Project gross/net profit/loss analysis
- Flexible reporting ability

Domestic Truck Tracking and Fleet Management
- Keeping Truck Identity files that include data such as; truck’s plate-number, engine and chassis numbers; brand, model and type information; net weight, payload, loading volume data; traffic license date, number of axles and similar detailed information
- Execution of necessary controls while loading the truck
- Tracking truck’s documents such as technical inspection, insurances, conformity certificate and similar documents with validity dates and execution of necessary controls while loading the truck
- Tracking periodical (insurance, kasko insurance, truck stamp duty, maintenance, etc) and unplanned (breakdown) expenses and transactions
- Reflecting expenses to voyage and transport costs
- Tracking truck voyage transactions
- Reflecting shares from depreciation and running expenses to voyage costs
- Choice of working on standard and actual costs basis
- Analysis and reports on voyage and truck costs
- Booking on truck basis

Domestic Driver Tracking Application
- Tracking driver’s personal file, official identity register data and matrimonial data
- Tracking chronologically driver’s professional experience, education and sanitary information
- Tracking driver’s documents with validity dates such as driver’s permit, passport, visa and their inspection on voyage basis
- Capability of classifying and tracking of job applications, enrolled personnel, hired truck’s personnel, sister companies’ personnel, former staff
- Tracking chronologically personal file notes and all kinds of other transactions
- Tracking advances on voyage basis and expenditures made by driver, advance reimbursements
- Reflecting expenses to voyage costs
- Tracking of blacklist
- Warning mechanism for driver documents with validity dates
We provide flexible, end-to-end business management solutions for organizations of all sizes – from accounting software for small, medium and large businesses, to a full featured ERP platform serving multi-national companies.
SOFTEASY, SOFTREADY and SOFTLOYALTY solutions fulfill the needs for organizations of all sizes.
The management and coordination of the leased virtual servers shall be undertaken by SOFT and a standard backup service comprises 4-week reversible daily image backup for all servers.
The software consultancy and trainings given by experienced SOFT personnel provide the correct and efficient use of SOFT applications.
Our customers can access SOFT’s Help Desk by phone or e-mail and report a problem, issue a request, or get information. A call record will be opened in SOFT Internal Tracking System for all sorts of calls via telephone by the customer.