Ensure a traceable and transparent management
Production Management Application runs in integration with Inventory, Purchasing, Sales, and Warehouse Management, Domestic Logistics and General Cargo Transportation modules in order to realize simple production functions such as team and kit generation in simple production structures and logistics companies.

- Product tree definitions
- Tracking production orders
- Production by order or for inventory
- Calculating production costs
- Generating production plans
- Material requirements planning
- Weighing scale integration
All SOFT Applications have been developed in an integrated structure and provide instant information flow and process efficiency.The aim of SOFT ERP is to manage all work operations in integration. Although applications can be used as solo, efficiency increases when multiple applications are used in integration.
SOFT Applications are constantly developed by the growing needs of The Business Transformation.
Transform your business with us!

Inventory Management
- Detailed Item Master definition entry and maintenance
- Tracking of items by group, type, kind and class.
- Monitoring the item under three different units of quantity. Checking substitutes.
- Operating with multiple warehouses
- Definable warehouse authorizations
- Monitoring item’s minimum, optimum and maximum levels and alarms.
- Tracking movement of items and reservation, defects, warranty, consignments
- Withdrawal for internal use and monitoring on cost center basis. Consumption lists.
- Location control and pick-up list
- Cost Calculation by averaging, FIFO and LIFO methods simultaneously.

Purchase Management
- Handling purchase demands
- Offer requesting and evaluation
- Generation of purchase orders out of purchase demands
- Monitoring order status
- Purchase operations with and without orders
- Booking purchase invoices
- Purchase invoice processing
- Closing of order on entry of goods
- Control of price in purchase invoice
- Automatic calculation over contract prices and discount tracking

Sales Management
- Tracking customer data
- Multiple delivery points definable for the same customer
- Generating price lists for goods and services
- Price lists in foreign currency
- Entry of customer orders
- Defining sales conditions while receiving orders
- Entering shipping terms while receiving orders
- Parametrically defined risk calculation formulas
- Item reservation while confirming orders
- Partial deliveries and tracking order status.

Warehouse Management
- Multiple warehouses management
- Aisle, division, location, and shelf definitions in warehouse
- Defining locations
- Separation of locations according to kind of goods
- List of goods with discrepancies between goods reception and delivery note
- Goods reception, placing of materials, picking and shipping transactions
- User defined actions in warehouse
- Tariffs for warehousing and transactions in warehouse
- Charging of handling transactions and warehousing using tariffs
- Charging at the time of transaction or periodically

Domestic Logistics & General Cargo Transportation
- Company (customer, dealer, etc.) definitions; creation of km tables
- Truck definitions (lorries, tractors and trailers) and tracking
- Creating position files for trucks, entry of shipment and package data, entry of document comments
- Taking bookings, selecting cargo in booking pool by destination and goods type, etc. and loading them onto trucks
- Automatic volume and weight control while loading
- Planning
- Definition of general cargo, freight, premium and voyage allowance tariffs
- Automatic creation of quotations based on defined rates and tracking
- Ability to select tariffs to be applied on company basis
- Defining freight tariffs on full and groupage cargo, and goods type basis, copying tariffs
We provide flexible, end-to-end business management solutions for organizations of all sizes – from accounting software for small, medium and large businesses, to a full featured ERP platform serving multi-national companies.
SOFTEASY, SOFTREADY and SOFTLOYALTY solutions fulfill the needs for organizations of all sizes.
The management and coordination of the leased virtual servers shall be undertaken by SOFT and a standard backup service comprises 4-week reversible daily image backup for all servers.
The software consultancy and trainings given by experienced SOFT personnel provide the correct and efficient use of SOFT applications.
Our customers can access SOFT’s Help Desk by phone or e-mail and report a problem, issue a request, or get information. A call record will be opened in SOFT Internal Tracking System for all sorts of calls via telephone by the customer.